Have you ever been on a person's mailing list who repeatedly sends you the same offer over and over again$%: This is the fastest way to lose subscribers. You should make your messages useful and provide your readers with something educational to read. Sure every now and then you are going to want to remind them about the product you are selling, and that is normal.
I just un-subscribed from a list that started out great with lots of good information, but soon the well ran dry and I was getting two sales letters a day. This brings up a debate. Most marketers will say that the list is there for the purpose of presenting offers and trying to make money from sales. Some marketers will assault their list while others subtly coax them into buying.
I prefer the second method because I personally would rather buy from someone who is honest and not a money hungry annoyance. Sure you may make some money with all of those sales letters, but the rest of your list is going to head for the hills. The most successful approach would be to regularly send a product reminder along with some helpful information. Make your subscribers know that your product is worth the money because your free information is of high quality. Be sure not to skimp on the quality of your free material because this is what your readers will be judging you with.
Few sources
Use common sense when mailing your list offers. Think about what you would or would not want to see in your mailbox if you were a subscriber. Remember your list will come back and buy time and time again as long as it is still there.
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